Exactly Sized Fastener

Using the parts made in Component Parts, we’ll create a Fastener that utilises the Fastener Build Cycle.


Evaluation, selection, and application are fundamental concepts for using fasteners as more than just floating objects, read Fastener Build Cycle to learn more.


For this example, we’ll create a WoodScrew and Anchor that are perfectly sized.

from cqparts_fasteners.fasteners import Fastener
from cqparts_fasteners.utils import VectorEvaluator, Selector, Applicator

from cqparts.constraint import Fixed, Coincident

class EasyInstallFastener(Fastener):
    # The origin of the evaluation is to be the target center for the anchor.
    Evaluator = VectorEvaluator

    class Selector(Selector):
        def get_components(self):
            anchor = Anchor(

            # --- Define the screw's dimensions
            # Get distance from anchor's center to screwhead's base
            #   (we'll call that the "anchor's slack")
            v_rel_center = anchor.mate_center.local_coords.origin
            v_rel_screwhead = anchor.mate_screwhead.local_coords.origin
            anchor_slack = abs(v_rel_screwhead - v_rel_center)
            # The slack is along the evaluation vector, which is the same
            # as the woodscrew's axis of rotation.

            # Find the screw's neck length
            #   This will be the length of all but the last evaluator effect,
            #   minus the anchor's slack.
            effect_length = abs(self.evaluator.eval[-1].start_point - self.evaluator.eval[0].start_point)
            neck_length = effect_length - anchor_slack

            # Get thread's length : 80% of maximum
            thread_maxlength = abs(self.evaluator.eval[-1].end_point - self.evaluator.eval[-1].start_point)
            thread_length = thread_maxlength * 0.8

            # Create screw
            screw = WoodScrew(
                length=neck_length + thread_length,

            return {
                'anchor': anchor,
                'screw': screw,

        def get_constraints(self):
            last_part = self.evaluator.eval[-1].part
            return [
                    Mate(last_part, self.evaluator.eval[-1].start_coordsys - last_part.world_coords),

    class Applicator(Applicator):
        def apply_alterations(self):
            screw = self.selector.components['screw']
            anchor = self.selector.components['anchor']
            screw_cutter = screw.make_cutter()  # cutter in local coords
            anchor_cutter = anchor.make_cutter()

            # screw : cut from all effected parts
            for effect in self.evaluator.eval:
                screw_coordsys = screw.world_coords - effect.part.world_coords
                effect.part.local_obj = effect.part.local_obj.cut(screw_coordsys + screw_cutter)

            # anchor : all but last piece
            for effect in self.evaluator.eval[:-1]:
                anchor_coordsys = anchor.world_coords - effect.part.world_coords
                effect.part.local_obj = effect.part.local_obj.cut(anchor_coordsys + anchor_cutter)

Using the Fastener

Now that we’ve created a Fastener that will pick, place, and alter the part geometry it interfaces with, let’s try it out!

First let’s make some parts to join together

class ConnectedPlanks(cqparts.Assembly):
    fastener_class = EasyInstallFastener

    def make_components(self):
        # Wood panels
        p1 = WoodPanel(
            length=40, width=30,
            _render={'alpha': 0.5}
        p2 = WoodPanel(
            length=40, width=30,
            _render={'alpha': 0.5}

        # Fastener
        fastener = self.fastener_class(parts=[p1, p2])

        return {
            'panel1': p1,
            'panel2': p2,
            'fastener': fastener,

    def make_constraints(self):
        # Pull out component references
        p1 = self.components['panel1']
        p2 = self.components['panel2']
        fastener = self.components['fastener']

        return [
            # Assembly's origin on panel1
            # Join panel at the corner
            # Fastener assembly in the middle of a
                fastener.mate_origin,  # mate_origin's -Z axis is used for evaluation
                p2.mate_end + CoordSystem(
                    origin=(0, 0, 25),  # 25mm above panel1 surface
                    xDir=(0, -1, 0)  # rotate so anchor faces inside

And to see what we’ve made:

>>> connected_exact = ConnectedPlanks()
>>> print(connected_exact.tree_str(name='connected'))
 ├─ fastener
 │   ├○ anchor
 │   └○ screw
 ├○ panel1
 └○ panel2
>>> display(connected_exact)

FreeCAD’s render may be more clear (literally).