Component Parts

The composition of this fastener is relatively simple; we smiply have 2 parts grouped into a single mechanical fastener.

   ├─○ wood_screw
   └─○ anchor

And to demonstrate its function, these will be used to connect 2 wooden panels. So we’ll need the panels too.

Wood Screw

Wood screw will use MaleFastenerPart as a basis.

  • screw body : built from MaleFastenerPart, then modified.
  • shaft : we’ll add the bore-sized shaft (with some cylindrical cut-outs) to the neck of the screw.
import cadquery
import cqparts
from cqparts.params import *
from cqparts_fasteners.params import HeadType, DriveType, ThreadType
from cqparts_fasteners.male import MaleFastenerPart
from cqparts.display import display, render_props
from cqparts.constraint import Mate
from cqparts.utils import CoordSystem

class WoodScrew(MaleFastenerPart):
    # --- override MaleFastenerPart parameters
    # sub-parts
    head = HeadType(default=('cheese', {
        'diameter': 4,
        'height': 2,
    }), doc="screw's head")
    drive = DriveType(default=('phillips', {
        'diameter': 3.5,
        'depth': 2.5,
        'width': 0.5,
    }), doc="screw's drive")
    thread = ThreadType(default=('triangular', {
        'diameter': 5,  # outer
        'diameter_core': 4.3,  # inner
        'pitch': 2,
        'angle': 30,
    }), doc="screw's thread")

    # scalars
    neck_diam = PositiveFloat(2, doc="neck diameter")
    neck_length = PositiveFloat(40, doc="length from base of head to end of neck")
    length = PositiveFloat(50, doc="length from base of head to end of thread")

    # --- parameters unique for this class
    neck_exposed = PositiveFloat(2, doc="length of neck exposed below head")
    bore_diam = PositiveFloat(6, doc="diameter of screw's bore")

    _render = render_props(template='aluminium')

    def initialize_parameters(self):
        super(WoodScrew, self).initialize_parameters()

    def make(self):
        screw = super(WoodScrew, self).make()

        # add bore cylinder
        bore = cadquery.Workplane('XY', origin=(0, 0, -self.neck_length)) \
            .circle(self.bore_diam / 2) \
            .extrude(self.neck_length - self.neck_exposed)
        # cut out sides from bore so it takes less material
        for angle in [i * (360 / 3) for i in range(3)]:
            slice_obj = cadquery.Workplane(
                origin=(self.bore_diam / 2, 0, -(self.neck_exposed + 2))
            ).circle(self.bore_diam / 3) \
                .extrude(-(self.neck_length - self.neck_exposed - 4)) \
                .rotate((0,0,0), (0,0,1), angle)
            bore = bore.cut(slice_obj)
        screw = screw.union(bore)

        return screw

    def make_cutter(self):
        # we won't use MaleFastenerPart.make_cutter() because it
        # implements an access hole that we don't need.
        cutter = cadquery.Workplane('XY', origin=(0, 0, self.head.height)) \
            .circle(self.bore_diam / 2) \
            .extrude(-(self.neck_length + self.head.height))
        cutter = cutter.union(
                0, 0, -self.length
        return cutter

    def make_simple(self):
        # in this case, the cutter solid serves as a good simplified
        # model of the screw.
        return self.make_cutter()

    def mate_threadstart(self):
        return Mate(self, CoordSystem(origin=(0, 0, -self.neck_length)))

So to illustrate what we’ve just made:

screw = Screw()


The anchor is composed of:

  • main body : the anchor will be cut from a large cylindrical block.
  • neck slot : slot allowing woodscrew’s neck access.
  • head slot : conical wedge to pull on screwhead when installed.
  • access port : 1 quadrant cut out to to allow screwhead access.
  • screw drive : to allow user to apply a screwdriver to install.
from math import sin, cos, pi

class Anchor(cqparts.Part):
    # sub-parts
    drive = DriveType(default=('cross', {
        'diameter': 5,
        'width': 1,
        'depth': 2.5,
    }), doc="anchor's drive")

    # scalars
    diameter = PositiveFloat(10, doc="diameter of anchor")
    height = PositiveFloat(5, doc="height of anchor")
    neck_diameter = PositiveFloat(2, doc="width of screw neck")
    head_diameter = PositiveFloat(4, doc="width of screw head")
    spline_point_count = IntRange(4, 200, 10, doc="number of spiral spline points")
    ratio_start = FloatRange(0.5, 0.99, 0.99, doc="radius ratio of wedge start")
    ratio_end = FloatRange(0.01, 0.8, 0.7, doc="radius ratio of wedge end")

    _render = render_props(color=(100, 100, 150))  # dark blue

    def wedge_radii(self):
        return (
            (self.diameter / 2) * self.ratio_start,  # start radius
            (self.diameter / 2) * self.ratio_end  # end radius

    def make(self):
        obj = cadquery.Workplane('XY') \
            .circle(self.diameter / 2) \

        # neck slot : eliminate screw neck interference
        obj = obj.cut(
            cadquery.Workplane('XY', origin=(0, 0, -((self.neck_diameter + self.height) / 2))) \
                .moveTo(0, 0) \
                .lineTo(self.diameter / 2, 0) \
                    (0, -self.diameter / 2),
                    (-self.diameter / 2, 0),
                ) \
                .close() \

        # head slot : form a circular wedge with remaining material
        (start_r, end_r) = self.wedge_radii
        angles_radius = (  # as generator
                (i * (pi / self.spline_point_count)),  # angle
                start_r + ((end_r - start_r) * (i / float(self.spline_point_count)))  # radius
            for i in range(1, self.spline_point_count + 1)  # avoid zero angle
        points = [(cos(a) * r, -sin(a) * r) for (a, r) in angles_radius]
        obj = obj.cut(
            cadquery.Workplane('XY', origin=(0, 0, -((self.head_diameter + self.height) / 2))) \
                .moveTo(start_r, 0) \
                .spline(points) \
                .close() \

        # access port : remove a quadrant to allow screw's head through
        obj = obj.cut(
            cadquery.Workplane('XY', origin=(0, 0, -(self.height - self.head_diameter) / 2)) \
                .rect(self.diameter / 2, self.diameter / 2, centered=False) \

        # screw drive : to apply torque to anchor for installation
            obj =  # top face is on origin XY plane

        return obj

    def make_simple(self):
        # Just return the core cylinder
        return cadquery.Workplane('XY') \
            .circle(self.diameter / 2) \

    def make_cutter(self):
        # A solid to cut away from another; makes room to install the anchor
        return cadquery.Workplane('XY', origin=(0, 0, -self.height)) \
            .circle(self.diameter / 2) \
            .extrude(self.height + 1000)  # 1m bore depth

    def mate_screwhead(self):
        # The location of the screwhead in it's theoretical tightened mid-point
        #   (well, not really, but this is just a demo)
        (start_r, end_r) = self.wedge_radii
        return Mate(self, CoordSystem(
            origin=(0, -((start_r + end_r) / 2), -self.height / 2),
            xDir=(1, 0, 0),
            normal=(0, 1, 0)

    def mate_center(self):
        # center of object, along screw's rotation axis
        return Mate(self, CoordSystem(origin=(0, 0, -self.height / 2)))

    def mate_base(self):
        # base of object (for 3d printing placement, maybe)
        return Mate(self, CoordSystem(origin=(0, 0, -self.height)))

What we’ve made isn’t perfect, but it will do for this tutorial. Besides, that’s more than enough code:

anchor = Anchor()

Wood Panel

We’ll also need to create some wooden panels that we intend to join using the fastener.

It’s essentially just a box shape, but we’ll add some mate points to allow easy alignment.

class WoodPanel(cqparts.Part):
    thickness = PositiveFloat(15, doc="thickness of panel")
    width = PositiveFloat(100, doc="panel width")
    length = PositiveFloat(100, doc="panel length")

    def make(self):
        return cadquery.Workplane('XY') \
            .box(self.length, self.width, self.thickness)

    def mate_end(self):
        # center of +x face
        return Mate(self, CoordSystem(
            origin=(self.length / 2, 0, 0),
            xDir=(0, 0, -1),
            normal=(-1, 0, 0),

    def get_mate_edge(self, thickness):
        return Mate(self, CoordSystem(
            origin=((self.length / 2) - (thickness / 2), 0, self.thickness / 2)
panel = WoodPanel()

Now that we have all the parts we need, the next section will work on combining these into an assembly.