Component Parts

Wood Panel

First we’ll need something to use the biscuits on, so we’ll just create a wooden panel with one edge at an angle.

from math import radians, tan, cos
import cadquery

import cqparts
from cqparts.params import *
from cqparts.constraint import Mate
from cqparts.utils import CoordSystem

from cqparts.display import display, render_props

class Panel(cqparts.Part):
    # dimensions
    height = PositiveFloat(50, doc="panel height (along join)")
    depth = PositiveFloat(50, doc="panel depth (from join to opposite side)")
    width = PositiveFloat(10, doc="thickness of panel")
    join_angle = FloatRange(0, 89, 45, doc="angle of join (unit: degrees)")

    _render = render_props(template='wood', alpha=0.5)

    def make(self):

        points = [
            (0, 0),
            (self.depth, 0),
            (self.depth, self.width),
            (self.width * tan(radians(self.join_angle)), self.width),
        return cadquery.Workplane('XZ', origin=(0, self.height / 2, 0)) \
            .moveTo(*points[0]).polyline(points[1:]).close() \

    def get_mate_join(self, ratio=0.5):
        # Return a mate that's somewhere along the join surface.
        return Mate(self, (
                (0, -(90 - self.join_angle), 0)
            ) + CoordSystem(
                    (self.width / cos(radians(self.join_angle))) / 2,
                    (-self.height / 2) + (self.height * ratio),

    def mate_join(self):
        # default is half way along join
        return self.get_mate_join(ratio=0.5)

    def mate_join_reverse(self):
        # reversed join rotated around X-axis 180 deg
        return self.mate_join + CoordSystem().rotated((180, 0, 0))

So to illustrate what we’ve just made:

panel = Panel()


And of course the biscuit:

class Biscuit(cqparts.Part):
    # Biscuit Dimensions
    width = PositiveFloat(30, doc="twice penetration depth")
    length = PositiveFloat(None, doc="length tip to tip")
    thickness = PositiveFloat(5, doc="material thickness")

    _render = render_props(template='wood_dark')

    def initialize_parameters(self):
        super(Biscuit, self).initialize_parameters()
        # set default length as a ratio of width
        if self.length is None:
            self.length = (5. / 3) * self.width

    def make(self):
        # We'll just use the simplified model for this example
        return self.make_simple()
        # It could be rounded at the ends, and the sides chamfered, but
        # for this example we'll just keep it simple.

    def make_simple(self):
        # Biscuit shaped like a eye, 2 arcs from end to end (length)
        # Create left & right side, union them together
        biscuit = cadquery.Workplane('XY')
        for i in [1, -1]:
            biscuit = biscuit.union(
                cadquery.Workplane('XY', origin=(0, 0, -self.thickness / 2)) \
                    .moveTo(self.length / 2, 0) \
                        (0, i * self.width / 2),
                        (-self.length / 2, 0)

        return biscuit

    def make_cutter(self):
        # the cutaway material is the same shape as the biscuit itself
        # (the simplified model)
        return self.make_simple()

So to illustrate what we’ve just made:

biscuit = Biscuit()