Part Build Cycle

A Part is just a container for a cadquery.Workplane instance.

So the “building” of a part is more to help placement in the world, and to facilitate changes made to that object.

For more information on how to create solids as a cadquery.Workplane, read more in the cadquery documentation.


When a Part is created, it initializes its parameters.

Most of the work here is done by its parent class ParametricObject.

This is covered in detail in Parametric Object.


make() is not called when instantiating a part; it’s called later.

import cadquery
import cqparts
from cqparts.params import *

class Box(cqparts.Part):
    x = Int(10)
    def initialize_parameters(self):
        print('initializing parameters...')
        print('    x = %r' % self.x)

    def make(self):
        print('running make()...')
        return cadquery.Workplane('XY').box(self.x,10,10)

So then when we simply create an instance…

>>> box = Box(x=20)
initializing parameters...
    x = 20

Getting local_obj

When a part’s local_obj is requested, the instance’s make() result is returned.

Note that in the above test, the print statement in make() doesn’t show. However, when we request local_obj

>>> box = Box(x=15)
initializing parameters...
    x = 15
>>> obj1 = box.local_obj
running make()...
>>> obj2 = box.local_obj

However nothing is printed on the 2nd call. This is because the result is buffered, so when local_obj is requested a second time, it is not re-made.

Most uses of a Part will get the local object by referencing local_obj, but you can forcefully remake the object in 2 ways:

>>> box = Box()
initializing parameters...
    x = 10
>>> obj = box.local_obj
running make()...

>>> # 1) set local_obj to None
>>> box.local_obj = None
>>> obj = box.local_obj
running make()...

>>> # 2) call make() explicitly
>>> obj = box.make()
running make()...

However you shouldn’t need to do this.

world_coords and world_obj

If world_coords has been set, getting world_obj will create a copy of local_obj that has been transformed to world_coords.

That is to say that it is translated, and rotated so the object’s local coordinates are equal to the world coordinates, relative to the object itself.

Let’s re-define Box without those print statements…

from cqparts.utils.geometry import CoordSystem

class Box(cqparts.Part):
    x = Int(10)
    def make(self):
        return cadquery.Workplane('XY').box(self.x,10,10)

Now let’s create a box, then set its location in the world by setting world_coords.

>>> box = Box()
>>> box.local_obj.val().BoundingBox().ymin

>>> # world_obj is None when the part does not have its world_coords
>>> box.world_obj is None

>>> # let's translate across the y-axis
>>> box.world_coords = CoordSystem(origin=(0,20,0))

>>> # Now world_obj exists, and has been translated
>>> isinstance(box.world_obj, cadquery.Workplane)
>>> box.world_obj.val().BoundingBox().ymin

Changing local_obj or world_coords

If local_obj or world_coords is changed, world_obj is reset.

Then when world_obj is requested again, local_obj is copied and moved, just as it is explained above.

So the obvious thing to do now is to drill a hole through the box… right?

>>> box = Box()
>>> box.world_coords = CoordSystem(origin=(0,20,0))
>>> len(box.world_obj.val().Faces())
>>> box.local_obj = box.local_obj.faces(">Z").hole(2)
>>> len(box.world_obj.val().Faces())

Note that we changed local_obj, but we tested the number of faces on world_obj. So we can conclude from this that when any changes are made to the local_obj, the world_obj is re-created using local_obj as reference.

Let’s try the same thing by changing world_obj:

>>> box = Box()
>>> box.world_coords = CoordSystem(origin=(0,20,0))
>>> box.world_obj = box.world_obj.faces(">Z").hole(2) 
ValueError: can't set world_obj directly, set local_obj instead

We get an exception instead


world_obj cannot be changed directly, but it can be changed indirectly via local_obj.

But Why?: This is to avoid bad practices that encourage accumulated errors; if the part can only be modified in its native coordinates, there is no possibility of accumulated numerical error.


Remember: when changing the local_obj, if your alterations are based on world coordinates, you must convert back to the object’s local coordinates before the changes will match your expectations.

Also remember that the world_obj is likely rotated to fit into an assembly, so using queries like faces(">Z") (for example) may not give you the information you’re expecting.