
A catalogue is a simple file-based database to store parametric combinations for components.


If a Component is a blueprint, the parameters of its inherited ParametricObject are the measurements, or metrics corresponding to the blueprint.

A Catalogue is an exhaustive list of all parameter combinations, for the context of manufacture, or purchase.

Each catalogued item can also contain information about the item that aren’t necessarily in the blueprint. Such as make, model, and product code, as well as ids for compatible items, and even calculated metrics like area (from length and width parameters).


A catalogue is represented in a single json file, using tinydb to read & write.


More cataloguing methods may exist in future, but at this time only JSONCatalogue is implemented.


Let’s create an empty JSONCatalogue, and push some Component instances into it.

Create a new Catalogue

Let’s say you’d like to save your catalogue in the file:

>>> filename = 'my_catalogue.json'

Then create the empty database:

>>> # Instantiate Catalogue
>>> from cqparts.catalogue import JSONCatalogue
>>> catalogue = JSONCatalogue(filename)

Add items

Now let’s create a few Box parts, of varying lengths, and add them to the catalogue.

Using the JSONCatalogue.add() method, we give each box a unique id, some criteria, and of course the obj Box instance we’d like to add.

>>> from cqparts_misc.basic.primatives import Box

>>> # Add a few items
>>> for length in [10, 20, 30]:
...     name = "box_L%g" % length
...     box = Box(length=length)
...     index = catalogue.add(
...         id=name,
...         criteria={
...             'type': 'box',
...             'lengthcode': 'L%i' % int(length),
...         },
...         obj=box
...     )

At this point, we can close the file:

>>> catalogue.close()

which will commit the data to disk, ready for another script to read the catalogue to search and instantiate the recorded items.

For this tutorial, we’ll leave it open though. If you ran the above close() code, you can just re-open it with:

>>> catalogue = JSONCatalogue(filename)

Searching items

Now that we have items in our catalogue, we can search them with search(), and find().

find() will search the catalogue, and assert that 1, and only 1 result is returned. Otherwise an exception is raised.

>>> # Find
>>> item = catalogue.get_query()
>>> result = catalogue.find( == 'box_L20')
>>> result.keys()
[u'obj', u'id', u'criteria']
>>> result['obj']['params']['length']

If you’re less certain that your query will yield a single result, search() will return a list of positively matching items.

>>> # Search
>>> item = catalogue.get_query()
>>> results = == 'box')
>>> len(results)  # all 3 boxes

To learn more about a catalogue’s content, you can see its contents quite easily from the items table:

>>> len(catalogue.items.all())  # everything in the catalogue
>>> i = catalogue.items.all()[0]
>>> i['obj']['params']['length']
>>> i['id']

>>> # from this we've learnt that we can search with:
>>> item = catalogue.get_query()
>>> result = catalogue.find(item.obj.params.length == 10)
>>> result['obj']['params']['length']
>>> result['id']  # the same item we got earlier

To learn more about searching, read the tinydb docs.

Deserialize items

Once an item has been selected from a catalogue, it can be instantiated by deserializing it:

>>> # Get our catalogued 20mm long box
>>> result = catalogue.find( == 'box_L20')

>>> # Creating object
>>> catalogue.deserialize_item(result)
<Box: height=1.0, length=20.0, width=1.0>

To streamline things, we can also do all of this in one line with the get() method”

>>> # Search and deserialize in one line
>>> catalogue.get(item.obj.params.length > 25)
<Box: height=1.0, length=30.0, width=1.0>


All searching is done by tinydb, so search(), find() and get_query() are simply pass-throughs to the underlying tinydb.TinyDB instance in the db attribute of this class.

Please read the tinydb documentation, and query the database directly with this classes db attribute.

Item database example

Each catalogue item is stored in an items table within the database.

The items table is stored as a list, one of the elements stored in the above example may be stored like this:

    'id': 'box_L20',
    'criteria': {'lengthcode': 'L20', 'type': 'box'},
    'obj': {
        'class': {
            'module': 'cqparts_misc.basic.primatives',
            'name': 'Box',
        'lib': {
            'name': 'cqparts',
            'version': '0.1.0',
        'params': {
            '_render': {'alpha': 1.0, 'color': [192, 192, 192]},
            '_simple': False,
            'height': 1.0,
            'length': 20.0,
            'width': 1.0,