Make your own Assembly

An Assembly is a container for 1 to many Part and/or nested Assembly instances.

Today we’re going to make a toy car, and put it into an assembly.

This tutorial assumes you’ve been through the Make your own Part tutorial.

Its structure will look something like this:

├○ chassis
├─ front_axle
│   ├○ axle
│   ├○ left_wheel
│   └○ right_wheel
└─ rear_axle
    ├○ axle
    ├○ left_wheel
    └○ right_wheel


For this assembly we’re going to need the following parts

While making these parts, we’re going to design them based on how we want to use them, but also on how others may want to use them.


The wheel’s origin will be the point it meets the axle.

It’s just a cylinder with a couterbore hole for a screw to hold the wheel onto its axle.

import cadquery
import cqparts
from cqparts.params import *
from cqparts.display import render_props, display

class Wheel(cqparts.Part):
    # Parameters
    width = PositiveFloat(10, doc="width of wheel")
    diameter = PositiveFloat(30, doc="wheel diameter")

    # default appearance
    _render = render_props(template='wood_dark')

    def make(self):
        wheel = cadquery.Workplane('XY') \
            .circle(self.diameter / 2).extrude(self.width)
        hole = cadquery.Workplane('XY') \
            .circle(2).extrude(self.width/2).faces(">Z") \
        wheel = wheel.cut(hole)
        return wheel

    def get_cutout(self, clearance=0):
        # A cylinder with a equal clearance on every face
        return cadquery.Workplane('XY', origin=(0, 0, -clearance)) \
            .circle((self.diameter / 2) + clearance) \
            .extrude(self.width + (2 * clearance))

Extra Function

The get_cutout will be used later to alter the chassis to make room for the wheel, it serves as a negative that will be cut away from another solid.


Remember: this is just a python class, so we can add any functions, or attributes that make our design better.


wheel = Wheel()


The vehicle’s axle is a cylinder with a diameter and length.

We’ll put a pilot hole in each end for a screw to hold the wheel on.

from cqparts.constraint import Mate
from cqparts.utils.geometry import CoordSystem

class Axle(cqparts.Part):
    # Parameters
    length = PositiveFloat(50, doc="axle length")
    diameter = PositiveFloat(10, doc="axle diameter")

    # default appearance
    _render = render_props(color=(50, 50, 50))  # dark grey

    def make(self):
        axle = cadquery.Workplane('ZX', origin=(0, -self.length/2, 0)) \
            .circle(self.diameter / 2).extrude(self.length)
        cutout = cadquery.Workplane('ZX', origin=(0, -self.length/2, 0)) \
        axle = axle.cut(cutout)
        cutout = cadquery.Workplane('XZ', origin=(0, self.length/2, 0)) \
        axle = axle.cut(cutout)
        return axle

    # wheel mates, assuming they rotate around z-axis
    def mate_left(self):
        return Mate(self, CoordSystem(
            origin=(0, -self.length / 2, 0),
            xDir=(1, 0, 0), normal=(0, -1, 0),

    def mate_right(self):
        return Mate(self, CoordSystem(
            origin=(0, self.length / 2, 0),
            xDir=(1, 0, 0), normal=(0, 1, 0),

    def get_cutout(self, clearance=0):
        return cadquery.Workplane('ZX', origin=(0, -self.length/2 - clearance, 0)) \
            .circle((self.diameter / 2) + clearance) \
            .extrude(self.length + (2 * clearance))

We could have simply drawn a circle and extrude it, right?

The problem with that design is its implementation will involve translating it by \(\frac{length}{2}\), and rotating \(90°\) so the \(Z\) axis is along the world \(Y\) axis.

Although that would not be difficult to do, it is messy.

Instead we’ve aligned the axle along the \(Y\) axis, with the origin at the cylinder’s center, implemented in the make() function above.


A Mate is a relative coordinate system used to connect parts in an assembly. We’ll see how that works when we make our first assembly later in this tutorial.

When assembling an axle we’ll want to attach a wheel to each end. They’re defined above as mate_left and mate_right.

Note that the normal for a Mate is (0, 0, 1) by default \(+Z\) axis. Changing this to the \(\pm Y\) axis for left/right rotates the wheel so that wheel’s \(+Z\) axis is aligned accordingly.

Extra Functions

like the Wheel, we’ve added a get_cutout which will be used later.


axle = Axle()


The chassis is a relatively complex shape that could have many parameters. For the sake of simplicity in this tutorial, we’re going to make it a static face using polyline() with a variable extrude() width.

class Chassis(cqparts.Part):
    # Parameters
    width = PositiveFloat(50, doc="chassis width")

    _render = render_props(template='wood_light')

    def make(self):
        points = [  # chassis outline
        return cadquery.Workplane('XZ', origin=(0,self.width/2,0)) \
            .moveTo(*points[0]).polyline(points[1:]).close() \


chassis = Chassis()

Wheel Assembly

We finally have all the parts we’ll need, let’s make our first assembly.

from cqparts.constraint import Fixed, Coincident

class WheeledAxle(cqparts.Assembly):
    left_width = PositiveFloat(7, doc="left wheel width")
    right_width = PositiveFloat(7, doc="right wheel width")
    left_diam = PositiveFloat(25, doc="left wheel diameter")
    right_diam = PositiveFloat(25, doc="right wheel diameter")
    axle_diam = PositiveFloat(8, doc="axel diameter")
    axle_track = PositiveFloat(50, doc="distance between wheel tread midlines")
    wheel_clearance = PositiveFloat(3, doc="distance between wheel and chassis")

    def make_components(self):
        axel_length = self.axle_track - (self.left_width + self.right_width) / 2
        return {
            'axle': Axle(length=axel_length, diameter=self.axle_diam),
            'left_wheel': Wheel(
                 width=self.left_width, diameter=self.left_diam,
            'right_wheel': Wheel(
                 width=self.right_width, diameter=self.right_diam,

    def make_constraints(self):
        return [
            Fixed(self.components['axle'].mate_origin, CoordSystem()),

    def apply_cutout(self, part):
        # Cut wheel & axle from given part
        axle = self.components['axle']
        left_wheel = self.components['left_wheel']
        right_wheel = self.components['right_wheel']
        local_obj = part.local_obj
        local_obj = local_obj \
            .cut((axle.world_coords - part.world_coords) + axle.get_cutout()) \
            .cut((left_wheel.world_coords - part.world_coords) + left_wheel.get_cutout(self.wheel_clearance)) \
            .cut((right_wheel.world_coords - part.world_coords) + right_wheel.get_cutout(self.wheel_clearance))
        part.local_obj = local_obj


Just like a Part, the Assembly class makes use of parameters.

These parameters can be passed directly or indirectly to sub-assemblies, or to child parts. Note how axel_track is used to define the axle’s length.


The Assembly.make_components() method is overridden above, to return a dict of named Component instances.

Each component requires a name that’s unique for the particular assembly.

Components may be added, or omitted based on the assembly’s parameters if necessary.


The Assembly.make_constraints() method is overridden to return a list of Constraint instances.

Each constraint references, at least:

  • the component being constrained.
  • parameter(s) defining how it is to be constrained.

see Constraints for more details.

Extra Functions

We’ve added apply_cutout as a utility for the next stage of assembly. It will subtract geometry away from a given Part to allow placement of the axle, and freedom for the wheels to spin.

The apply_cutout method is not part of the normal assembly build cycle; at this stage it’s simply another method in the class.


# wheels made asymmetrical to show that the
# 2 wheels are independently created.
wheeled_axle = WheeledAxle(right_width=2)

Composition Tree

To see the hierarchy of what we’ve just made, we can also run:

>>> print(wheeled_axle.tree_str(name='wheel_assembly'))
 ├○ axle
 ├○ left_wheel
 └○ right_wheel

Car Assembly

And finally we combine eveything above into a car!

class Car(cqparts.Assembly):
    # Parameters
    wheelbase = PositiveFloat(70, "distance between front and rear axles")
    axle_track = PositiveFloat(60, "distance between tread midlines")
    # wheels
    wheel_width = PositiveFloat(10, doc="width of all wheels")
    front_wheel_diam = PositiveFloat(30, doc="front wheel diameter")
    rear_wheel_diam = PositiveFloat(30, doc="rear wheel diameter")
    axle_diam = PositiveFloat(10, doc="axle diameter")

    def make_components(self):
        return {
            'chassis': Chassis(width=self.axle_track),
            'front_axle': WheeledAxle(
            'rear_axle': WheeledAxle(

    def make_constraints(self):
        return [
                Mate(self.components['chassis'], CoordSystem((self.wheelbase/2,0,0))),
                Mate(self.components['chassis'], CoordSystem((-self.wheelbase/2,0,0))),

    def make_alterations(self):
        # cut out wheel wells
        chassis = self.components['chassis']
car = Car()

And we can also view its hierarchy with:

>>> print(car.tree_str(name='car'))
├○ chassis
├─ front_axle
│   ├○ axle
│   ├○ left_wheel
│   └○ right_wheel
└─ rear_axle
    ├○ axle
    ├○ left_wheel
    └○ right_wheel

Note that the components in this assembly are both Part and Assembly instances. The nested assemblies gives us the 2nd layer of parts.

Also note that we have 2 of the same Assembly class, but 2 different instances, much like the 2 wheels in the previous WheeledAxle assembly.

The chassis was altered after the WeeledAxle assemblies were placed using the apply_cutout utility methods build into WeeledAxle class. The finished result being:
